Monday, July 25, 2016


I watch fate to love you Korean version   This Taiwan version better
Chinese version is wuxia very good too.

Chen Xin Yi (Joe Chen) is an unfashionable office lady, who has the desire to tie down her boyfriend. She plans and pays for a romantic love cruise, hoping to lose her virginity and thus keep her boyfriend. On the same cruise is Ji Cun Xi (Ethan Juan), the wealthy sole heir of a soap and cleaning products company. He had planned to propose to long-time girlfriend Anna (Bianca Bai) but was unaware that she never boarded the cruise. Anna was a professional ballet dancer and chose a main role in a world tour over Cun Xi. Xin Yi is devastated when she finds her boyfriend cheating on her and he tells her that he planned to break up with her. In a huge mix-up involving alcohol and carelessness, Xin Yi and Cun Xi end up spending the night together, only in the morning realizing the mistake.
Although they vow to forget about the incident and continue on with their lives, Xin Yi soon finds out that she is pregnant and the news soon reaches to Cun Xi. Initially, they decide to have an abortion, but Cun Xi changes his mind at the last minute and offers to financially support Xin Yi until the birth, but her family rejects this and thinks abortion is best. Cun Xi's grandmother, however, is ecstatic over having a great-grandchild and forces the two to get married. Cun Xi and Xin Yi agree to divorce after the birth, and in exchange for her silence about the marriage, she will relinquish the baby to him. She, however, refuses to accept any money he offers her for the pregnancy, which makes him question her motive for agreeing to the marriage. Xin Yi had only agreed to the marriage in hopes of giving the baby a happy family, but she knows that it's not possible if she and Cun Xi are not in love. She meets and begins a friendship with Dylan, a kind young man from Shanghai who sympathizes with her in her situation and seems genuinely interested in her. He later becomes her confidant and backbone when she fights with Cun Xi, who distrusts him. Dylan reveals to her that his lifetime goal is to find his long-lost biological sister, who was separated from him during childhood.
Still in love with Anna and thinking Xin Yi became pregnant to get money from him, Cun Xi struggles between his selfishness and taking responsibility. Xin Yi feels deeply burdened with guilt for her mistake and struggles to stand up for herself and become more than just a sticky note in other people's lives. Eventually Cun Xi realizes his love for Xin Yi and the child she is carrying, and starts to wonder what life would be like if they lived together as a family. Unfortunately, Anna unexpectedly returns and Cun Xi is forced to lie about being married and the pregnancy. His grandmother eventually reveals the truth to Anna, who is devastated. Enraged, Cun Xi blames Xin Yi for ruining his life, and begins the divorce papers. When Anna finds out that Cun Xi won't marry her until the baby is born, she gives abortion agreement papers to Xin Yi and says they're from Cun Xi. Sad and confused, Xin Yi decides to take the baby and raise it alone. At a party, Cun Xi feels guilty for how he treated Xin Yi after finding out she, not Anna, bought his birthday gift, and runs to find her. She pleads with him to leave her alone and tries to run away from him. Xin Yi gets involved in a car accident and she had a miscarriage. She then moves to Shanghai with Dylan to get away from Cun Xi, and signs the divorce papers. Cun Xi refuses to sign them and vows to find her so they can reconcile and truly be a married couple.
Two years later, Xin Yi has becomes a successful pottery teacher and is in a relationship with Dylan, while Cun Xi has become engaged to Anna but still continues his search for Xin Yi. Cun Xi eventually finds Xin Yi again and tries to make her forgive him for how he treated her, and tries many tricks to prove to her that his love for her is genuine. Xin Yi is not able to forgive him, accusing him of being glad that she lost the baby. Cun Xi then decides to go along with marrying Anna, but when Xin Yi visits the island for the first time in two years, Cun Xi finds out that Anna was the one responsible for the miscarriage and why Xin Yi hates him. Mad by this, Cun Xi cancels the wedding with a heartbroken Anna and tries to make amends with Xin Yi by telling her that he didn't want her to get rid of the baby. Xin Yi is still reluctant to forgive him and he tells her what really happened that led to the miscarriage. Afterwards, with her newly awakened feelings of love, Xin Yi forgives him and Dylan finds out that Anna is his sister, and the two are reunited as siblings. As punishment for the tricks he played on her, Xin Yi tricks Cun Xi to be in a barrel and hits him so he went off the hill and he lost his eyesight temporary so she decided to be with him until he get his eyesight back. The next day, he got his eyesight but he pretended that he still have lost his eyesight to make her stay by his side. She then finds out he tricked her again and is able to acknowledge that she still has feelings for him. She goes to the doctor to see if she can give birth again but the doctor said the possibility to have children is so low due to the miscarriage she had before. On the same day, Cun Xi asked Xin Yi to marry him but she rejected the offer since she knew that Cun Xi's grandmother wanted an heir for the Ji family tenth generation. With the support of Cun Xi and their families, she finally agrees to marry him and they have a formal wedding. Shortly after, she becomes ill and finds out that the hospital that told her she was infertile is a fraud. Afterwards, Xin Yi finds out she is pregnant, and later gives birth to a baby by the name of Ji Nian Ri, honouring the wonderful memories that she and Cun Xi have created between them.

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